Genius Healer Episode 81: Night Festival in the Slums [1]

Previously: The leaders of the demi-humans were planning a festival in the slums.

“Wow, amazing!”

Six days after the festival announcement, at night.

Lily stepped onto the main street of the slums and let out a voice of admiration.

The usual cluttered appearance was nowhere to be seen. The light from the lamps lining the street, along with the gentle sound of flutes and drums, created a fantastical atmosphere.

From the stalls everywhere, the savory smell of food being grilled and lively voices rose.

“Zenos. Festivals look like fun, don’t they?”

“Yeah, they do.”

Zenos nodded and looked at Lily.

“By the way, what’s with that outfit?”

Lily was wearing unfamiliar clothing. It was a polka-dot patterned garment with the collar crossed in front of her body, and a red sash wrapped around her waist.

“This is called a yukata.”

“Whoa, you startled me!”

Suddenly, Camilla’s voice came from near her ear. Lily thought she couldn’t see her, but it seems that she was following her while erasing her presence.

“A yukata is the formal attire for festivals in the Eastern lands.”

“Or rather, aren’t you trying to startle me on purpose?”


Amidst Camilla’s fearless laughter, Lily looked up at Zenos hesitantly.

“H-how do I look…?”

“Yeah, I think it’s cute.”


Lily smiled happily. Camilla, who became faintly visible, said proudly.

“Well, I was the producer after all. It’s only natural that she’d look cute.”

“Thank you, Camilla!”

“Kukuku… My girl power.”

“Is a 300-year-old really a ‘girl’…?”

As they proceeded down the bustling street, a large stage was set up in the center. Standing there were the leaders of the three major demi-human factions.

“Well then, it’s about time for the opening greetings.”

Zofia said in a clear voice.

“I don’t like long speeches, so I’ll keep it simple. First, I want to thank everyone who cooperated with our plan tonight, and everyone who gathered here. Holding a festival in the slums was unthinkable during the era of demi-human conflict.”

Zofia looked with deep emotion at the lizardmen, werewolves, orcs, and other races gathered in front of the stage.

“And the reason we were able to do this is thanks to one person.”

Her gaze turned to Zenos, who was standing at the edge of the crowd. Zofia, Ringa, and Reve waved their hands grandly.

“Sensei, please say a few words for the opening.”

“Zenos-dono, I think it would be good if you went up on stage.”

“Indeed, Zenos should give the opening address.”

“Eh, me?”

Zenos pointed at himself in surprise, and cheers rose from the surroundings.

“Oh dear… I don’t really like standing out…”

“Zenos, since you have the chance, why don’t you go?”

Pushed on the back by Lily, Zenos reluctantly went up on stage. Bathed in applause and cheers, he cleared his throat.


He was in trouble. He hadn’t heard about this kind of presentation, so he hadn’t thought of anything to say.

“For now… well, try not to get hurt—”

He said that much, then shook his head slightly. He took a deep breath and announced:

“No, I’ll heal any minor injuries, so let’s have a blast!”

The audience erupted in cheers.

After that, Ringa gave a brief explanation of the festival. Several booths had games, and the winner with the highest total score would be decided, and the first-place winner would receive their favorite prize.

“Enjoy drinking and eating. Participate in games. Have fun in your own way.”

With Reve’s words, the participants scattered as they pleased.

“Well, well, we somehow managed to get it started.”

“Now we just have to wait for it to end without incident.”

On the stage, Zofia and Reve were conversing. Ringa spoke to the two of them.

“Zofia, Reve. Ringa has a proposal.”

“What is it?”

“It’s an interesting proposal, right, Ringa?”

Ringa nodded slowly and said with a serious expression.

“The winner of the festival games gets their favorite prize. How about we make it the right to confess to Zenos-dono?”



Zofia and Reve’s eyes widened, and Ringa said with a sharp look.

“Ringa wants to decide who will get Zenos-dono. A duel would probably make Zenos-dono angry, but he shouldn’t complain about a game.”

“…You occasionally say something good, Ringa. It’s interesting, I’m in.”

“Hmph. I’ll show you my true power.”

Zofia licked her lips, and Reve cracked her knuckles.

“T-This has become a serious situation…”

Lily, who happened to pass under the stage, hurriedly rushed to Zenos. Zenos, standing next to the translucent Camilla, looked back at Lily with a carefree face.

“Well then, shall we enjoy ourselves leisurely, Lily?”

“Sorry, Zenos. Lily can no longer enjoy herself leisurely.”


“There’s a battle there that I absolutely cannot lose…!”

Lily exhaled, lowered her waist, and began to search for game booths with the gait of a skilled assassin.

“Lily… what’s wrong?”

“Kukuku… I don’t quite understand, but it seems something interesting is about to happen.”

The peaceful atmosphere of the festival took a sudden turn, and the curtain was raised on the women’s under-the-table battle.

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