Saint’s Magic 09: Telepathy

“Ohhh!” I couldn’t help but want to cheer out loud at the sight unfolding before me.

The market was a vibrant spread of colorful vegetables, fruits, meats, and fish, with even a shop that seemed to specialize in mushrooms. Beyond ingredients, there were bakeries and food stalls too, the air around them thick with hunger-inducing smells. Despite the dismal cooking standards here, the ingredients were incredibly abundant, and there were things I’d never seen before, it was fascinating. The bakery had various breads, including a few small white rolls. They were tiny and pricier than the others, so maybe they’re considered a luxury? Known as the kitchen of the capital, the market buzzed with energy and throngs of people. The path between facing shops was wide enough for eight people to walk side by side, but it was so packed it was hard to move. As I wandered through, peeking at shops selling intriguing items, someone suddenly pulled me by the shoulder. Seems I’d almost bumped into someone walking toward me.

“Thank you.”

I gave a strained smile to the captain beside me, and he beamed back. We’d been holding hands since arriving at the market. It was so crowded that if I focused too much on the shops, I’d probably get lost. Well, I also kinda wanted to escape reality for a bit, you know, with everything going on. I’d like to think I wasn’t being careless, but as I drifted along, I nearly collided with someone. That’s when he casually let go of my hand and pulled me closer by the shoulder instead… Heh heh heh… What kind of torture is this? Is God testing the strength of my heart? And then, after dodging people, he takes my hand again. Is that just how it works now? Yeah, getting used to this is terrifying. After a few repeats, I’ve grown enough to say thank you with a smile, maybe a strained one, without blushing! I think I’ve done pretty well for myself. Just don’t focus on the shops? If I don’t, I’ll end up focusing on other things!

“You okay?”

“Oh, yes, I’m fine.”

“Not hungry?”


It’s still early for lunch, but since we left so early this morning, I’m a little hungry. We’ve walked a lot too, so my legs are starting to tire. The captain looks totally fine, but for a shut-in like me, it’s a bit rough. There are food stalls in the market that I’m curious about, but he’s a noble, so… He wouldn’t eat at a stall, right? Maybe a nearby café or something?

“I’m a little hungry.”

“Then, since we’re here, let’s grab something from a stall and take a break.”

Huh? Isn’t the captain a noble? I’m thrilled, but is a stall really okay? He led me to a spot near the stalls where some wooden crates were set up. When he asked what I wanted to eat, I told him, and he left me there to go buy it. Doesn’t he seem kinda practiced at this? After a short wait, he came back with a few grilled skewers and two cups of fruit water. I took a skewer and a cup, and he sat down beside me.

“You seem pretty used to buying from stalls.”

“I used to come here a lot with Johan when we were younger.”


To my surprise, the director and the captain used to hang out at the market in their youth. Do nobles come to markets in this country? When I asked for details, he said they’d dress like slightly well-off merchant kids and sneak out. I see, huh.

“Oh, by the way, how much was the food?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Eh, but… Thank you for the meal.”

I felt a bit bad, and my voice trailed off. He just smiled awkwardly. What am I supposed to do with that? Oh well, I’ll repay him some other way later. The skewers were seasoned with just salt, but it was perfectly balanced and delicious. They were decently filling, but I wolfed them down. The fruit water had a gentle fruity scent when I took a sip. I was a bit thirsty, so it hit the spot. It’d be perfect if it were cold, but ice is a luxury here, so…

“What’s wrong?”

Maybe because I was staring at the fruit water while thinking about that, the captain gave me a puzzled look.

“Oh, nothing.”

“Really? Did it not suit your taste…”

“No, no. I was just thinking it’d be even tastier if it were cold.”


With that, he took my fruit water from my hand. I watched, wondering what he was doing, and a faint chill wafted from the cup he held. Huh? What’d he do? He handed it back to me, and when I took it, there was ice inside. Shocked, I looked at him, and he urged me to drink with his eyes. Taking a sip, I thought, yep, it’s way better cold. I couldn’t help but grin, and his expression softened too.

“It’s delicious.”

“Good, I’m glad.”

“What did you do?”



In a world without refrigerators, ice is either stored from winter in icehouses or made with magic. Hardly anyone can use magic strong enough to create ice, making it super rare. I’d heard ice attribute magic, a higher form of water magic could do it, but to think the captain could use it! They call him the Ice Knight, so maybe it’s common knowledge around here that he can wield ice magic?

“It’s really delicious. Thank you.”

“I’m happy you like it.”

The chilled fruit water was so good I finished it in no time. After thanking him, he smiled too. Looking at him now, he doesn’t seem like someone who’d be called the Ice Knight. He’s always smiling, kind of sparkling. Well, maybe the sparkling part’s unrelated. Even today, in casual commoner clothes instead of his usual knight gear, he’s got this aura that makes him stand out from regular folks. I thought he looked commoner-like this morning, but mixed in with actual townsfolk, the difference is clear. Is it his upbringing? Even drinking fruit water, he looks refined. He could pass as a rich merchant’s son, but not just any commoner. I ended up staring at him too long, and he tilted his head at me. I quickly shook my head to say it was nothing and looked away. Please don’t look at me with those gentle eyes, I feel so awkward.

After eating, we left the market and strolled along the streets, peering into shops from outside. The items there were higher quality but pricier too, so I hesitated to go in. We kept it to window shopping until the captain stopped in front of one store.

“Sorry, mind if we stop in here?”

“Not at all.”

Today’s been all about what I wanted to see, so a little detour’s fine. He led me into a shop that commoners could enter but felt a bit upscale, selling accessories. Inside, various items for men and women were displayed. The captain wandered off to the back on his own, so I took my time browsing too. Near me were hairpins and ribbons, the ribbons neatly arranged in a box with a rainbow gradient. My hair, left long from my busy work days in Japan, still hasn’t been cut since coming here and now reaches the middle of my back. It’s a bit pricey, but with this heat, I’ve been wanting to put it up. Maybe I should buy a hairpin? As I looked, I spotted one I really liked among the many. It was a silver metal hairpin with openwork carving and blue stones embedded in a few spots, elegant and delicate. It was gorgeous, but the price was equally impressive, making me hesitate. I started looking for a cheaper one without stones when the captain came back.

“Kept you waiting, huh? Find anything you like?”

“No, I’m good.”

The hairpin caught my eye, but it’s over budget, and I didn’t want to keep him waiting, so I’ll pass for now and look again next time.

“Then let’s go?”


I followed him out of the shop. Stepping outside a bit late, he took my hand as if it were second nature. We’d lingered so long it was getting late, so we took a carriage back to the palace.

I guess walking around so much plus the mental strain wore me out. The carriage rattled along, but I must’ve fallen asleep at some point. A voice calling me slowly woke me up, and I opened my eyes to find the carriage stopped. Blearily looking up at the captain beside me, he was smiling softly.

“We’re here?”

“Yeah. You seemed tired, slept pretty soundly.”

Oh no, did I use him as a pillow? Staring at him, his smile deepens. Yep, that’s the look. I definitely used him as a pillow, didn’t I? And he totally saw my sleeping face, right? Feeling mortified, I blush and look down, and I hear a stifled laugh. Ugh, this might be the biggest hit I’ve taken today. While I groan internally, he gets out of the carriage first, just like this morning. I can’t stay in here forever, so I step out, still sulking, and he lends me a hand as I do. We walk from the gate to the institute, chatting about the market and shops. Despite everything, today was fun. Reaching the institute’s entrance, I turn to him and bow.

“Thanks for keeping me company today.”

“No, I had fun too.”

They call him the Ice Knight, but he was in such a good mood all day. He was smiling nonstop, even now. I dragged him around a lot, but he didn’t complain once. He’s actually a pretty nice guy, huh.

“I had a great time too. Well then—”

“Oh, Sei, here.”

As I turned to head inside, he stopped me and handed me a box small enough to fit in one hand. What’s this? It’d be weird to just stare at it, so I take it with both hands.

“What’s this?”

“Use it if you’d like. Open it when you’re back in your room. See you.”

“Wait! Lord Hawk!”

Ignoring my attempt to stop him, he strode off briskly. I could’ve run after him, but I was too tired today and lacked the energy. Oh well, I’ll open it in my room. If it’s an issue, I can return it tomorrow. Shaking it off, I went inside, opened the box, and found the openwork hairpin with blue stones, the one I’d liked at the shop.

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