Nine months since I was summoned.
Lately, after lessons, I’ve been back in the lab working on potions until pretty late. That’s because we got potion orders not just from our regular client, the Third Knight Order, but from the Second Knight Order too. Simple math says I need to make double the usual amount, but it’s no problem at all. I tend to make them in batches, so as long as I’ve got materials, this much is nothing.
I’ve always been able to make more potions in a day than people who specialize in it. I figured it might be because my base level’s high or I’ve got a lot of MP, but that alone doesn’t explain the sheer volume I can churn out. I suspect it’s tied to the profession listed in my status, but I’ve never said that out loud. I’ll keep it tucked away in my chest until someone figures it out someday.
Plus, my recent magic control training’s paying off here. It’s cut down the time I need to make potions. I’d heard mastering magic control shortens the time to cast spells, but I didn’t expect it to affect potion-making too. Does this mean it impacts everything tied to magic? Realizing how broad its effects are, I can see why the Division Commander puts so much emphasis on it, he’s really something.
While I’m diligently working on potions, the Director shows up. It’s already getting late. It’s rare for him to stick around the institute at this hour. Did something happen?
“You’re working hard.”
“Thanks. There’s a lot this time.”
“Because the Second Knight Order placed an order too?”
“Yeah. Will they start ordering every time now?”
“Maybe. Seems they were blown away by our potions’ performance during the last western forest expedition.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah. To be precise, your potions.”
That 50% boost curse strikes again. I mutter that to myself inwardly. So the Second Knight Order’s jumping on board too, huh? The institute’s income’s going to shoot up. Maybe I’ll ask for extra budget for experimental materials later. There’s this pricey herb I’ve been wanting but held off on buying. Now might be the time to get approval.
Anyway, that aside. He started with small talk, but I can tell the real issue’s something else. There’s a tension in the Director’s vibe that makes me think so. I’ve got a pretty good guess what it’s about. Probably that.
“A messenger came from the palace today. They want you to join the next expedition as a healer.”
“For you, Director?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. For you.”
Knew it. Exactly what I expected. So spot-on I couldn’t help teasing him a bit.
“I see. Got it.”
“…You’re awfully calm about this.”
“It’s something we’ve talked about before.”
“I thought you’d resist a little more.”
I give the Director’s wry smile a wry one back. I’d always figured a request to assist an expedition would come eventually. It’s not just the Director, I’d talked about it with the Division Commander too. Just a few days ago, he’d even said, “It might be about time to head to the western forest,” with that casual tone of his.
Am I okay with going on an expedition? It’s hard to say. It’s an expedition, so we’ll definitely run into monsters. I’ve been to forests before but never encountered one, so I don’t really know what they’re like. But judging by the state of the knights returning from the western forest, there’s no doubt it’s life-threatening. That’s where I’m headed. Of course I’m scared.
But this time, I’ll likely be with the Third Knight Order. When I went to the eastern and southern forests with them, they protected us the whole time. I didn’t run into monsters, but some of the other researchers did. They helped out during those encounters, but I heard later the knights made sure no harm came to them. They’ll probably do the same this time. They’re good people, I see it in how they act every day. I’m basically a non-combatant who can only use holy magic so they won’t just throw me in front of a monster, I’m sure. So while monsters scare me, I’m not that pessimistic about it. And supporting those knights? I’m not against it, more like happy to help.
Plus, the Division Commander’s really excited about going to the western forest. He wants to see how the forest’s miasma interacts with my magic. When we talked about it, his eyes were practically sparkling. He’s so consistent, it’s almost funny.
He’s not the only one looking forward to it. Expedition aside, I’m a little excited about the western forest too. The reason? Herbs. Forests have herbs you won’t find in the herb garden. The eastern and southern forests I’ve visited had all sorts of varieties. The plant life varies slightly by forest, I spotted herbs in the southern forest that weren’t in the eastern one. So I’m hoping the western forest has herbs I haven’t seen in either.
That said, compared to other forests, the western forest’s monsters are apparently tougher, so I’m not sure I’ll have time to look at herbs during the expedition. I’ll probably be the only researcher going—the herb experts are staying behind. Last time, going with the institute crew was an exception. So even if there are new herbs, I might not notice them. I could spot familiar ones, maybe… I should study up on the western forest’s herbs beforehand.
“You’re not just okay with it, you look kinda excited.”
“Huh? Do I?”
Thinking about herbs must’ve shown on my face. The Director’s wry smile turns into an exasperated one.
“You were probably thinking about finding new herbs, right?”
“Oh, you caught me?”
“It’s great you’re into herbs, but make some potions for yourself too.”
“For myself?”
“Yeah, like MP potions. You’ll need them, right?”
“Now that you mention it, yeah.”
I hadn’t even thought about it until the Director pointed it out, but if I’m going on an expedition, I’ll need potions for myself too. HP potions aside, MP potions are a must. HP and MP recover naturally, but it’s way slower than using a potion. In an emergency like an expedition, I can’t afford to wait around. Alright, I’ve hit today’s quota, might as well make some personal potions too. It’s late, but compared to my old job in Japan, it’s still early to clock out. So even after the Director left, I kept at the potion-making.