

Saint’s Magic 23: Special Training

It’s frustrating to be unable to do something I’m told I should be able to do. What, you ask? Magic manipulation, of course. During the practical part of the magic lessons, I’m still working on refining my magic manipulation as…

Genius Healer Episode 85: Small Fire [Part 1]

Previously: The Slum’s night festival game tournament ended with Camilla’s victory. The heated game tournament ended in an unexpected way, and the atmosphere shifted to one of leisurely enjoying the afterglow of the festival. Zenos was munching on a grilled…

Saint’s Magic 21: Audience

The throne room was narrower than I had expected. I had assumed I’d be led into a vast, sprawling hall, so I was a little surprised. As I looked around the not-so-spacious room, I saw about a dozen people standing,…

Saint’s Magic 20: Preparations

Two days after the appraisal at the Court Mage Corps, a messenger arrived from the palace. Messengers had come before, but this time it was different, much more formal. The Director greeted them at the institute’s entrance, no less. Called…