Category Saint’s Magic

Saint’s Magic 25: Lady’s Day

Morning. I woke up earlier than usual today. It’s a “Lady’s Day.” That’s just what I casually call it, it’s not some special occasion or anything. I named it that because the lectures on Lady’s Day are all about manners,…

Saint’s Magic 24: Reason

It’s been a week since I started practicing on my own with the Third Knight Order. Thanks to my efforts during and after lessons, I feel like my spell activation has gotten a bit faster than it was at the…

Saint’s Magic 23: Special Training

It’s frustrating to be unable to do something I’m told I should be able to do. What, you ask? Magic manipulation, of course. During the practical part of the magic lessons, I’m still working on refining my magic manipulation as…

Saint’s Magic 22: Magic Manipulation

Today marks one year since I started this serialization. This year has been full of ups and downs, but I’ve been able to keep going entirely thanks to the support of all of you. Thank you so much! A few…

Saint’s Magic Behind the Scenes 05: Motives

※ Significant revisions have been made to chapters 18 through 21 of the main story. ※ I apologize for the inconvenience, but I’d appreciate it if you could reread from chapter 18. A knock echoed through the king’s office. A…

Saint’s Magic 21: Audience

The throne room was narrower than I had expected. I had assumed I’d be led into a vast, sprawling hall, so I was a little surprised. As I looked around the not-so-spacious room, I saw about a dozen people standing,…

Saint’s Magic 20: Preparations

Two days after the appraisal at the Court Mage Corps, a messenger arrived from the palace. Messengers had come before, but this time it was different, much more formal. The Director greeted them at the institute’s entrance, no less. Called…

Saint’s Magic 19: Status

“55.” I answered honestly, and got three very different reactions. The Commander froze with his smile still in place, the Vice-Commander’s eyes widened, and the Director’s mouth dropped open. Director, your face is a mess right now. “55… is it…?”…

Saint’s Magic 18: Appraisal

Inside the carriage heading to the Court Mage Corps, I gazed absently at the scenery outside and let out yet another sigh, I’ve lost count of how many. The Director, noticing, spoke with a wry smile. “You seem really reluctant.…