Category Sword Disciple

Sword Saint’s Disciple 60: To the Arena

It was the day of the Martial Arts Tournament. I had been dressed in a hooded coat and stood waiting before the royal castle gate. Wearing this in the summer heat was sweltering. While Akane possessing me makes me somewhat…

Sword Saint’s Disciple 58: Encounter

The Martial Arts Tournament was the next day, and I had an unexpected visitor while I was enjoying a game of chess with Akane. Akane can’t touch things, so I’m moving the pieces for both of us, alternating turns based…

Sword Saint’s Disciple 57: Old Veteran

The training for the Kingdom’s knights is reaching its climax. My final opponent is Eisen-san, the Knight-Commander. He has slightly long hair, with streaks of white. He’s of average build. He’s holding a thin wooden sword. Judging from its shape,…

Sword Saint’s Disciple 54: Training

“Here I come, Lyall-san.” “Alright, I just need to defend with everything I’ve got, right?” It’s been a week since Akane became a spirit. And the Martial Tournament is one week away. I asked Lyall-san for some light training. We’re…

Sword Saint’s Disciple 53: Innocence

“Can you, like, wear clothes?” “Hmm. I think I can only touch Big Brother, you know?” What was that?! That’s a problem. So, clothes just slip right through her? “Then… why are you in that form?” This girl, if she…

Sword Saint’s Disciple 52: Reunion

“Big brother!” A warm embrace, her face rubbing against my stomach. From what Fina had told me, I expected her to be able to speak. It seemed we shared knowledge. Her mental age was, well, younger than I’d anticipated, but…