Genius Healer Episode 64: I’m Not Your Big Brother, Okay?

Previously: After returning from a walk with Umin, Cresson came crying to Zenos.

“I’ve been asked to treat the daughter of one of the Seven Noble Families.”

In Zenos’s dorm room, Cresson spoke with a face that looked like he was about to burst into tears.

Zenos crossed his arms and responded.

“What kind of treatment is it?”

“You know about Kimenshu, right? Apparently, Lord Fennel’s daughter has developed it. Don’t tell anyone.”

He’s already telling Zenos, but putting that aside…

“Kimenshu is a benign tumor, so even if you leave it alone, she won’t die.”

“I know that! She’s the daughter of one of the Seven Noble Families. She has tons of social engagements. There’s no way she can go out looking like that.”

“Then just cut it out.”

“Don’t say it so easily. The roots of Kimenshu are quite wide and deep. If even a little bit remains, it’ll come back.”

“Then just remove all of it.”

“To do that, I’d have to cut out a pretty wide area of tissue. There’s no way to avoid leaving a scar. Some textbooks even say that Kimenshu shouldn’t be treated because the surgical scars are worse.”

“Is it bad if it leaves a scar?”

“Of course, it’s bad! Try leaving even a scratch on the face of a daughter of the Seven Noble Families. I won’t live to see tomorrow.”

“Then, isn’t it fine if you just don’t leave a scar?”

“Talking to you makes me feel like my common sense is getting warped. Normally, that’s incredibly difficult!”


Umin, who had come along to the room with them, let out a surprised voice.

“But why would they ask Cresson of all people for such a huge favor?”

Cresson, fiddling with his wavy bangs, answered proudly.

“Hah, it’s that, finally, Professor Goldrun has realized my true potential, hasn’t he?”


“I’m lying, okay? Don’t look at me with such cold eyes, we’re classmates, you know?”

Cresson’s expression changed rapidly as he answered. He seemed to be quite emotionally unstable.

After listening to his story, it seemed that the professor, having heard about the incident with the pet dog, had designated Cresson.

“That was probably Zenos-san’s doing, wasn’t it?”

“Ah, yeah, that’s right…”

Cresson said with a bitter face, as Umin glared at him.

“Hmm, so just like with the Zombie King before, you’re stealing the credit, huh?”

“N-No, it’s not like that! I told the Second Secretary at that time, I did. That the special trainee did it.”

However, the truth was that this hadn’t been correctly conveyed to the professor.

The Second Secretary had told the professor that the subjugation of the Zombie King was done by Cresson and Zenos together.

The reason was for his own evaluation.

The Second Secretary was the one who recommended Cresson and Zenos to the professor.

It would be better for his evaluation as a recommender if both of them were active, rather than Cresson having done nothing.

“Then why don’t you just tell the professor directly and honestly? Just say, ‘I’m incompetent.’”

“Aren’t you being a little harsh on me? And I’m not incompetent. Besides, there’s no way I can say that now. This time, the Second Secretary will have his eyes on me and crush me.”

Cresson rubbed his hands and head against the desk.

“So, please! I’m allowed to bring one other person along this time. Help meee, Anikiiii!”

Translator’s Note

Aniki – 兄貴 is a term for “older brother,” but also used as a term of respect and camaraderie, similar to “bro” or “big brother” in English slang.

“I’m not your aniki, though?”

“Welcome, please have some tea.”

As Zenos replied in an exasperated tone, Lily appeared from the back with a cup of tea on a tray. As expected, Camilla was not showing herself.

Cresson looked up and raised a questioning eyebrow.

“Who’s this?”

“Ah, this is Zenos-san’s younger sister.”

Umin, who knew about their living arrangement in the dorm under that pretense, interjected. She was wearing earmuffs, so she won’t be noticed as an elf.

Lily bowed politely.

“My Onii-chan is always in your care.”

“Wow, I didn’t know the special trainee had such a cute little sister.”


Lily, still holding the tray, stared intently at Cresson.

“But Lily belongs to Onii-chan, so even if you praise me, I won’t become Cresson’s.”

“Suddenly using my first name? And what kind of siblings are you two?”

“No, it’s not like that, okay?”

Zenos waved his hands in a panic, and Cresson rubbed his nose.

He grinned and offered a hand to Lily.

“Well, if you’re my Aniki’s little sister, that means you’re my little sister too. Nice to meet you, little sister.”

“Absolutely not, okay?”

“Lily doesn’t need a big brother like this.”

“S-So cruel… Aniki, say something!”

“I told you, I’m not your Anikiiii!”

A sudden, huge request had fallen upon them.

And so, these pleasant “brothers” were off to treat the daughter of one of the Seven Noble Families.

“Stop with the weird narration! Floating thing!”

A/N: Wraith finally makes his presence known…!

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