Autumn’s here, and sunrise is getting noticeably later. I can’t believe I’ve gotten used to waking up at this hour without an alarm clock. I’ve really adapted to this world. Though, that’s not the only reason. I was so restless I barely slept. Like a kid the night before a field trip. Unlike a field trip, though, it’s not just excitement, there’s anxiety mixed in too. Today’s the day we set out for the western forest expedition.
I roll out of bed and start by brushing my teeth. As I brush, I mentally run through today’s schedule. Doing that gradually wakes up my sleepy brain. Washing my face and putting on some skincare is my usual routine, but I wonder if I’ll have time for that during the expedition. Just in case, I’ve packed some skincare stuff in small bottles in my luggage.
Next, I get dressed. For the next few days, I won’t be wearing my usual clothes. For the expedition, I’m wearing the same robe as the court mages. Unlike a dress, I can put on a robe by myself. Maybe because it’s designed for combat, it’s easy to move in and doesn’t feel restrictive. Makes sense, I guess. They gave me the robe a few days ago. Thankfully, it’s not some flashy thing like what I wore for my audience with the king. A gorgeous outfit like that would stand out in the forest, and I’d be terrified of getting it dirty, it’d be a hassle for an expedition.
I don’t forget to fix my hair either. Normally, I leave it down, but today I pull the sides back and pin them with a clip so it won’t get in the way.
Once I’m ready, I grab my packed bag and head downstairs. It’s earlier than start time, but I can sense people around. Probably folks who came in early to deliver potions to the Third Knight Order. The institute’s entrance feels a little hectic.
The potions the knights ordered were all delivered by yesterday. But since I’m joining this time, I decided to bring some extras. Of course, I let the Third Knight Order know ahead of time. Showing up with more without warning could’ve meant no space on the wagons, right? And I’d arranged to hitch a ride on the cart carrying those potions.
“Morning, Sei.”
“Morning. Did they drag you into this too, Jude?”
“Uh, yeah, kinda.”
Jude’s at the institute entrance. Was he roped into hauling potions to the knights? I’ve never seen him up this early, must’ve been tough getting out of bed.
Usually, the grunt workers handle delivering knight-ordered potions. Sometimes a researcher does it on a whim. I used to deliver them myself as a break, but lately, with lessons, others have been taking care of it. Since today’s transport is super early, I assumed the grunt workers would handle it. So why’s Jude here? Is he doing it?
“Are you delivering them, Jude?”
“That must’ve been rough to wake up for. I figured the grunt workers would do it since it’s so early.”
“Well… I just felt like it, I guess?”
I voice my thoughts, and he gives me a vague answer. I tilt my head, a bit curious, but he doesn’t elaborate. Oh well. I don’t press further and help load the potions. Once they’re on, it’s time to go.
As I climb onto the cart to leave, the Director calls out. First Jude, now the Director? Both unusual.
“What’s up?”
“What’s up? You… I’m here to see you off, obviously.”
See me off… he came in this early just for that? I’m shocked, and he gives me a deeply exasperated look. Not just him, but Jude too. Wait, what? Did I do something wrong?
“Well, whatever. The expedition’ll be tough, but be careful out there.”
“If it feels dangerous, run. Got it?”
He says it with an unusually serious face, and I nod reflexively. Plus, he pats my head as a bonus. What’s with him? I’m puzzled, but time’s tight, so I don’t dig deeper and hop on the cart.
“Well, I’m off.”
With a quick goodbye, I board the cart and leave the institute. As it starts moving, I look back and wave. Both the Director and a grunt worker wave back.
“That was kinda over-the-top, huh?”
A little later, I voice my earlier confusion, and Jude, sitting beside me, gives a wry smile. Oh yeah, he had that exasperated look too.
“Well, yeah, it would be.”
“It’s an expedition, you know? I went on one back at the academy, but that was the eastern forest. This time it’s the west, that place is seriously dangerous.”
I’d heard the western forest was riskier than the eastern or southern ones, but that bad? Thinking back, there were salamanders and monster outbreaks. Yep, it’s as dangerous as he says. Since I’ve never encountered monsters in the forests I’ve been to, it hasn’t sunk in. Or maybe my brain’s refusing to process it. If it’s that dangerous, the Director’s attitude makes sense.
“Seriously, be careful.”
“I mean it. Don’t wander off alone just because you spot some herbs.”
“I get it.”
Even Jude’s worried now. Given my track record, I can’t argue so I just nod and resolve to stay put, even if I see new herbs.
We soon reach the knight barracks, and my resolve tightens further. The knights bustling with final prep carry a tense vibe that rubs off on me.
I get off the cart with Jude. He talks to a grunt worker from the knights, who starts unloading and transferring the stuff to their wagons. Watching that, Jude comes back. Looking up, I see a serious expression like the Director’s. He’s worried too, I think, then he gently takes my left hand, squeezing my fingertips.
“Come back safe.”
Maybe because of everything I’d heard on the way, his send-off is short. I thank him, and he drops his gaze to the ground once before flashing his usual grin and heading back to the institute. I see him off, then turn around. Time to find who I’m looking for. Wandering a bit, they spot me first and walk over.
“Good morning.”
I greet the Commander as he approaches. From what the civil official briefed me on, I’ll be traveling to the western forest with the Third Knight Order. Since they’ve helped me with magic practice, I know a lot of them, which is a relief. Being surrounded by strangers the whole time would wear me out. Considering what’s ahead, I’d rather not exhaust myself during the trip.
I heard later from the knights that there was a bit of a tussle between the Second and Third Orders over who’d go with me. Given the Second Order’s weird obsession with me, that tracks. Honestly, their whole “we’re in awe of you” attitude makes me super uncomfortable, so I’m relieved it’s the Third. Seems the Division Commander pushed for it. The Vice Division Commander, Mr. Smart-Glasses is apparently the Commander’s brother, so maybe that helped? Good job, Division Commander.
“Sei, you’re taking a carriage to the western forest, right?”
“That’s what I heard.”
“I see…”
The civil official said it’s a bit of a trek from the palace to the western forest, so I’d be in a carriage. Most knights ride horses, and I’m probably the only one from the Third Order in a carriage. Being alone in there might get boring, but I could sleep through it, so it’s fine. For some reason, though, the Commander’s face looks grim. Is he worried about me being alone in the carriage? That question clears up when we reach it.
“Lady Sei, good morning.”
“Huh? Division Commander?”
The Division Commander’s standing by what looks like my carriage. I’d heard the court mages were leaving from their own barracks…
“Good morning. What brings you here?”
“I thought I’d join you.”
“Join me… in the carriage?”
He nods with a smile, a stark contrast to the Commander’s sour look beside me.
“It’s a long trip, so I thought we could talk about magic in the carriage.”
“Like a lesson?”
“Yes. I heard you’d be alone in there, and I didn’t want you to get bored.”
“I was thinking of sleeping, but a magic lesson sounds nice too.”
I’d been a bit worried about missing lessons during the expedition and forgetting stuff.
“You’re welcome. Now, isn’t it about time to head out?”
My thanks deepens his smile. At his words, I glance around. Prep seems mostly done, with more knights mounting horses and standing by. Prompted by the Commander and Division Commander, I head to the carriage door.
Ladies first I guess, I’m up first. The step’s high, so I grab the frame to climb, and a hand gently offers help from the side. It’s the Commander. It’s kinda embarrassing, but I thank him and place my hand in his. I’ve gotten used to this escort thing. Maybe thanks to those etiquette lessons?
Distracting myself a bit, I board the carriage and it’s roomier than I expected. Cushions and blankets are on the seats, showing they’ve thought about comfort. Nice.
I sit toward the back, and the Division Commander climbs in next. He sits beside me, but this carriage is wider than the cramped one to the capital, so it’s not a big deal. Yeah, I’d rather not have a “hot guy close-contact trip.”
The door shuts, and after a moment, we start moving. It’s about a day to the western forest, I hear. I decide to take the Division Commander’s magic lesson while asking about the western forest too.
Kamu-san sent me more fan art!
Thank you so much, Kamu-san, as always!!!
From left: Jude, the Director, Sei.
Kamu-san’s been giving me fan art since before the book deal, and the designs are sprinkled with my pre-publication daydreams.
That’s why they differ from the book versions.
The Director’s short hair and beard? My request (lol).

I got this a while back, but I’ve been swamped and delayed posting it… orz
Sorry again, Kamu-san.