Previously: The women’s night festival game tournament, secretly betting on the right to confess to Zenos, was reaching its climax with a four-way tie.
“Breaking news! Breaking news!”
Zofia’s younger brother, Zonde, was shouting on the central stage of the festival plaza.
He seemed to be announcing a summary of the results from each game booth.
“The current ranking in the game tournament is a four-way tie for first place with 126 points. Our leader, Zofia, the Werewolf chief, Ringa, the Orc leader, Reve, and the Elf lady, Lily!”
Loud cheers erupted from all over the venue.
“Now, what will be the outcome of this four-way battle?! Who will win the crown?! Wait for the results with bated breath! And good luck, sister!”
“Was he always like that…?”
Zenos muttered, looking up at the stage.
He also thought he had heard a subtle cheer for his sister at the end…
The four women continued their dead heat, and finally reached the final game on equal footing.
“Hehehe, this is getting interesting. It makes my blood boil!” “You don’t have blood…”
Zenos walked alongside Camilla, who was getting excited, to the final game booth.
The highly anticipated match seemed to be the talk of the entire venue, and a large crowd had gathered.
“Sister Zofia, win it!”
“The winner will definitely be our leader, Ringa!”
“Reve-sama, show us the Orc spirit!”
“Lily-chan! You’re so cute!”
Each of their cheering squads raised their voices.
Receiving cheers from all directions, the women headed to the Werewolf booth, which was the last one.
“So, what’s the last game?”
“Heh. This is what Ringa and the others prepared.”
Ringa pointed to five dice.
The rules state that you roll them all at once, and the sum of the numbers that appear is your score.
Zenos remembered that Ringa and the werewolves were running a gambling den.
“Huh, that’s great. The one with the best luck in the end wins.”
“I like that it’s easy to understand.”
“I’m glad it’s a game that doesn’t require strength…”
Zofia, Reve, and Lily each expressed their thoughts.
“That means the maximum is 30 points, right?”
“That’s right, but there’s one special rule.”
Zofia asked to make sure, and Ringa pointed to the rule sheet on the signboard.
“Basically, the sum of the numbers that appear is your score, but if all of them are 1, you get a special bonus of 10,000 points.”
“Whaaat? 10,000 points? That makes almost all the previous games meaningless!”
“That’s a ridiculous rule, typical of Ringa.”
“Lily wants 10,000 points…!”
However, since it’s very rare for all five dice to show 1, they started the game normally for the time being.
Zofia went first.
She said, as if praying, and threw the five dice.
They fell to the ground, showing four 6s and one 5.
Zofia made a fist pump.
29 points. A very high score.
The crowd buzzed at her good luck.
“Not bad, Zofia. But don’t underestimate my luck.”
Next was Reve.
The dice she threw high into the sky also showed four 6s and one 5.
“Hahaha! Did you see that?!”
“Tch. A tie, you’re a persistent woman.”
Zofia spoke bitterly to Reve, who was laughing loudly.
Next up was Ringa. She held five red dice in her hand.
“Well, Ringa will be playing with special dice.”
“Wait a minute! Those are loaded dice, aren’t they?!”
“Why does only Ringa get special dice?”
“H-how rude. Do you think Ringa would cheat?”
“I totally think you would.”
“Use the same dice as us!”
In the end, Zofia and Reve confiscated the special dice, and Ringa slumped her shoulders and picked up the dice that had rolled onto the ground. She closed her eyes tightly and tossed them.
The result was four 6s and one 5.
29 points.
Ringa’s eyes widened, and then she jumped up and down.
“See? Ringa has this much skill even without using loaded dice!”
“This guy totally admitted to the loaded dice…”
“Hmm, a three-way tie…”
The audience roared at the heated development.
“Hehehe, as expected of those who would become leaders of demi-humans, they’re all so lucky. It’s very entertaining. Now, what will be the outcome of the match?”
“You seem to be enjoying this a lot?!”
Zenos retorted to Camilla, who was getting excited.
Finally, it was Lily’s turn.
She picked up the dice with a nervous look on her face.
She glanced at Zenos for a moment and took a few deep breaths.
“…I’m okay. I’m sure I’ll be okay…!”
With a shout of “Here goes!”, she threw the dice she held into the air.
Four of the dice rolled at Zenos’s feet, showing 6s.
The last one bounced a few times on the ground and stopped right in front of Zenos.
It was a 6.
A cheer erupted.
“30 points! With a total of 156 points, the winner is Lily!!”
“Eh, wha, wha, whaaaaat, this can’t be happening…”
Lily let out a voiceless cry, surprised by Zonde’s commentary.
The demi-human women stared at the situation in a daze.
“I never thought Lily would take the championship.”
“Grrr, Ringa is frustrated.”
“Lily has won the right to confess to Zenos…”
“What’s this about a right to confess?”
“Eh, well, that’s…”
Lily waved her hands, her face red, as Zenos tilted his head.
Camilla, who was next to Zenos, bent down and picked up the dice that had rolled.
“Hehehe… Lily. You showed me a heated battle. I didn’t even need to lend a hand.”
Camilla, as if to praise her good fight, threw the dice she had picked up into the original tray to put them away.
Everyone’s eyes widened.
The five dice that rolled were all showing 1s.
While Camilla herself was wide-eyed, the host, Zonde, announced in confusion.
“Um… well, the winner is the translucent lady who just got 10,000 points… Camilla.”
A subtle cheer that sounded like a sigh erupted.
The women shrugged their shoulders and smiled wryly.
“…See, Ringa. It’s because you made such a strange rule.”
“Ringa didn’t expect anyone to actually roll all 1s.”
“What was our heated battle for…”
“But Lily, I’m glad because I might not have been mentally prepared yet.”
Lily, who looked somewhat relieved, looked at Camilla, who was asked what prize she wanted, and she shouted in a desperate tone, “Alcohol! Bring me alcohol!”
A/N: All’s well that ends well…!?