Genius Healer Episode 62: Request from a Great Noble

Previously: Zenos went for a walk with Cresson and the Professor’s beloved dog, and treated the dog after an accident.

“Welcome back, Professor.”

It was evening when Goldrun returned to the Professor’s office at the Royal Healing Institute.

He was greeted by the Second Secretary, who bowed deeply at a right angle.

“How was your dinner with Lord Fennel?”


Goldrun slumped heavily into his chair and exhaled deeply.

He had long been indebted to Lord Fennel, one of the Seven Great Nobles and known as a moderate. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he had attained his current position through the patronage of this high noble.

The Second Secretary peered at his face.

“You don’t look well. Was there some problem?”

“Do you think I would cause some problem at a dinner with Lord Fennel?”

“N-no! My apologies.”

The Second Secretary bowed deeply and left the room.

He was competent, but the problem was that he was a bit too clever.

Though he was far better than the First Secretary, who spent his days drinking.


Goldrun furrowed his brow and nervously tapped the edge of the desk.

Today, he had been summoned by Lord Fennel for a dinner, the first time in a while. It was convenient for Goldrun, as he wanted to ask for support for the upcoming election for the Director of the Institute, but he had been asked a favor during the meal.

“…I would like you, Professor, to examine my daughter.”

About a week ago, a rash appeared on her cheek. He had thought it would heal on its own, but it was actually growing larger little by little.

Lord Fennel managed to persuade his daughter, who refused to show her face to anyone, and Goldrun examined her.

It was a Kimenshu.

Translator’s Note

Kimenshu (奇面腫) literally translates to “Odd-Face Swelling/Tumor”.

It was a benign tumor that stopped growing after reaching a certain size. It wasn’t life-threatening, but it was called Kimenshu because the tumor’s appearance resembled the face of an ugly old woman. Right now, it was only about the size of a fingertip, but it generally grows to the size of a clenched fist.

When Goldrun told Lord Fennel this after the examination, the high noble became greatly distraught. It was well known in their circles that Lord Fennel doted on his daughter.

It was possible to remove it surgically, but by the time the tumor was visible, the roots had already spread wide and deep, so a fairly large area of tissue would have to be removed.

No matter what, a scar would remain on her face.

“…Professor, can’t you do something? You are my benefactor. I’m sure you can do it.”

He couldn’t refuse a plea from one of the Seven Great Nobles. He promised to make preparations and visit again soon, and then left the mansion.

But he had no concrete solution.

If a large amount of life force was given through Transfer Healing Magic immediately after the tumor was removed, it could sufficiently aid skin regeneration. However, Lord Fennel’s daughter absolutely refused to be seen by a large number of people.

He was told that he could only bring one assistant, or two at most.

He could ask another Special-Grade Healer, but many of them were difficult to get a hold of, and he didn’t want to give the opportunity for credit to someone else.

He had created the largest faction within the Royal Healing Institute. If he could further curry favor with a high noble, his position as the next Director was assured.

The Director of the Royal Healing Institute was eligible to become a noble.

“Is there no one…?”

He had gathered talented people in his faction, but if even the slightest scar remained on the daughter’s face, he would never receive Lord Fennel’s support again. He needed to be careful in his selection.

Someone who could reliably heal without leaving any scars…


Goldrun sighed and stood up. When he was stuck, there was nothing better than looking at the face of his beloved dog.

As he stepped into the hallway, he passed by Bonds, the First Secretary, who had a flushed face. He had hired him because they were old acquaintances, but his attitude had become increasingly intolerable. Bonds suddenly said.

“Oh, yeah. I heard the dog was hit by a carriage.”


Goldrun glared at the First Secretary and snapped.

“Was it your doing? You should know your place—”

“It wasn’t me, don’t be ridiculous. Well, in the end, the caretaker treated him immediately, and he’s fine.”


Goldrun glared at Bonds, then hurried to his beloved dog’s kennel. He quickly checked Milk’s body, but there was no sign of any accident.

He thought Bonds had tricked him, but when he called another secretary to confirm, it seemed the accident was indeed true. There were even witnesses who had seen Milk covered in blood at the scene from a distance.

But no matter how carefully he examined his beloved dog, he couldn’t find any trace of a scar. If the accident was true… that meant a perfect healing had been performed.

Still kneeling beside Milk, Goldrun muttered.

“…Someone who can reliably heal without leaving any scars…”

Goldrun slowly stood up and gave a low-voiced order to the gathered secretaries.

“Call Milk’s caretaker.”

A/N: Cresson, it’s your turn… !

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