Genius Healer Episode 65: The Daughter of the Seven Great Nobles [Part 1]

Previously: Zenos was called upon to treat the daughter of one of the Seven Great Noble Families.

“Wow, this is amazing!”

The next day.

The voice filled with awe came from Cresson, who was sitting next to Zenos.

The two of them were currently riding in a four-wheeled vehicle powered by magic stones, called a magic carriage.

It was an extremely expensive item, and Cresson explained in his ear that only a few high-ranking nobles owned them.

“They say you could live three lifetimes of luxury for the price of one of these.”

“Wow, that’s impressive.”

Of course, this was also Zenos’s first time riding in one.

At the instruction of Lord Fennel, one of the Seven Great Noble Families and the owner of the vehicle, the butler had come to pick them up from the Royal Treatment Center.

The scenery flowing past the windows was filled with luxurious buildings.

The carriage was now approaching the heart of the noble district.

“It’s my first time coming to a place like this. I’m almost blinded by all the mansions.”

Cresson gazed out the window, looking dazzled.

“I’m going to rise in the ranks and live here someday. Right, big bro?”

“For the last time, I’m not your big brother.”

“What? But we’re sworn brothers!”

“I don’t remember anything like that…?”

“Hey, quiet down!”

In the front seat, next to the driver, sat Goldrun, the professor of the Royal Treatment Center.

Goldrun glared at them, nervously stroking his beard.

“Listen up. You know what will happen if you make me lose face, right?”

“Y-yes, sir!”

Cresson cowered, his face pale.

Goldrun, despite yelling, also seemed restless.

Cresson had said that this surgery held Professor Goldrun’s fate in his hands.

For Goldrun to become the next director, he needed to clear two conditions.

One was to secure the most votes within the center.

And the other was to gain the approval of the advisory committee.

The first was almost achieved, but the problem was the second.

Since the Royal Treatment Center was a national institution, the final appointment of the director was made by the advisory committee.

The number of votes was taken into great consideration, but it wasn’t absolute.

In fact, there had been cases in the past where someone who didn’t have the most votes was selected.

Lord Fennel wasn’t a member of the advisory committee, but if his daughter’s surgery was successful, he would certainly influence the committee.

In addition to the most votes, having the strong backing of one of the Seven Great Noble Families would be like having the director’s seat in the palm of his hand.

“Failure is not an option. Everything I’ve done has been for this…”

Goldrun muttered, as if to reassure himself.

He had previously asked Cresson and Zenos to find cases of the same grotesque-face tumor to check their skills, but this morning, Lord Fennel had contacted them, requesting them to come immediately. The situation where they had no choice to skip preparation and go straight to the real deal seemed to be irritating the professor.

The carriage eventually passed through a huge black gate.

And even after passing through the gate, it continued to drive for a while, finally arriving at the front entrance.

“Oh my god… this is seriously insane…”

Cresson, overwhelmed by the sheer size of the estate, went beyond excitement and turned pale.

After undergoing a body check at the entrance, they were led by the butler to a reception room.

“Ah, Professor. We’ve been expecting you.”

After a while, a man opened the door and entered.

He had gray hair and a straight posture, and he exuded an air of nobility.

Goldrun immediately stood up.

“Lord Fennel. What brings about this sudden call?”

“Well, we have a bit of a problem.”

Lord Fennel lowered the corners of his eyebrows and sat down in the seat in front of them.

This person was one of the Seven Great Noble Families who supported the core of the nation.

Zenos, standing behind Goldrun, observed Lord Fennel’s face.

Previously, the noble who was the mastermind of the child kidnapping incident had looked at him like he was looking at an insect, but Lord Fennel didn’t show any such signs.

Was it because he was known as a moderate, or was it because he was so high up in status that he didn’t care about the difference in rank?

“The truth is, Charlotte is refusing the surgery.”

The member of Seven Great Noble Families sighed, looking troubled.

It seemed that Charlotte was his daughter’s name.

“I briefly explained that we would cut out the growth, but she locked herself in her room, saying that it was unthinkable to put a scar on her face.”

“I see…”

“However, I believe that you, Professor, can heal her without leaving a scar.”

“Y-yes, of course.”

Professor Goldrun said, slightly faltering in his words.

Lord Fennel had a gentle demeanor, but his words carried a strange power.

“Therefore, I would like you to persuade my daughter, Professor.”


After a slight pause, the professor nodded.

They went through a corridor covered with a red carpet and moved to the front of the room of the daughter named Charlotte.

Lord Fennel put his hand on the doorknob, but it wouldn’t open, as it was locked from the inside.

Having no other choice, Lord Fennel called out from outside.

“Charlotte. The Professor is here.”



“Hey, Charlotte. Why don’t you let the Professor take care of you and get the treatment?”



“It’ll be alright if you leave it to the Professor. Has your dad ever lied to you?”

Then, suddenly, there was a reply from inside.

“Dad, you said you’d give me a Fire Fox fur muffler for my birthday, but you didn’t!”

Translator’s Note

This is a reference to Aston failing to obtain the Fire Fox Fur back in Chapter 25


Lord Fennel, at a loss for words, slumped his shoulders and switched places with the professor.

Goldrun cleared his throat and spoke.

“Young lady. I am Goldrun of the Royal Treatment Center. Would you please trust me and undergo the treatment?”


A sharp word came back.

“But it won’t heal unless you have surgery.”

“I absolutely refuse to have a blade put to my face.”

A strong will of refusal emanated from behind the door.

“Someone must have ordered you to cut up my beautiful face.”

“That’s not…”

“It must be the Geese family. I bet the young lady there is jealous of my cuteness and is pulling strings from behind.”

It seemed she was suffering from considerable paranoia.

Cresson, standing next to him, whispered.

“Hey, big bro.”

“I’m not your big brother, but what is it?”

“I just had an amazing idea. I was thinking of working hard to get ahead, but there’s an easier way.”

“Well, I’ll hear you out.”

“You persuade the daughter here, do a perfect treatment, and make her fall in love with you. Then you get married. That’s how you become a noble. It’s a perfect plan.”

“…I see. I hope it works out for you…”

Cresson bowed his head to Goldrun, saying, “Let me try too,” and stood in front of the door.

“Um, Miss Charlotte.”

“…Who are you?”

“My name is Cresson. I came here as the Professor’s assistant.”

“Huh? Don’t talk to me like you’re my assistant. Who do you think I am? My ears will rot.”

“…I-I’m sorry.”

Cresson retreated dejectedly.

He wiped his tears and clenched his teeth.

“Big bro. I’m going to become great on my own after all. I don’t trust women.”

“Wasn’t that change of heart a little too fast…?”

Where did the perfect plan go?

He suddenly noticed that the Professor’s gaze was focused on Zenos, who had remained silent.

He felt a message that said, “Are you just going to stand there and watch?”


Zenos sighed softly and stood in front of the door.

“Um, can you hear me?”

“…Another new guy? What are you?”

“Assistant number two.”

“So, an assistant like you is trying to—”

“About the surgery, if you don’t want to do it, you don’t have to.”

Everyone except Zenos said, “Huh?”

“Everyone’s scared of having a blade put to their face. That growth isn’t a deadly disease, so if you don’t want to, you don’t have to force yourself. It’s your decision.”


“If you leave it alone, it’ll just make an old woman’s face on your cheek.”


“I heard that once you get used to it, you start to feel attached to it. There was even a guy who named it and took care of it.”

When he was a child, he had seen several people in the slums who had grotesque-face tumors.

Some of them were even grateful for it, saying that it eased their loneliness.

There are various ways to deal with illness. If it’s not life-threatening, the person’s will should be prioritized.

“Well then, I’ll be going.”

“H-hey, you!”

Just as Goldrun grabbed Zenos’s shoulder—the door slowly opened.

A girl with bright, curly chestnut hair and sharp, upturned eyes peeked out.

The girl, wearing a mask to hide her cheek, glared at Zenos, who had his back turned, and said,

“H-hey, wait a minute.”

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