Thank you for always reading. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting so much lately. I’ve entered a slightly late Obon holiday. I’d love to update during this long vacation schedule. I’ll do my best!
I recall the conversation I had with the Third Knight Corps the other day. Yes, about the other girl who was summoned with me.
It seems the girl taken by the First Prince is currently attending the Royal Academy. Given her age, I figured she’d still be a student, so that part isn’t an issue. What caught my attention was the talk about her base level being lower than her classmates’ when she enrolled. After parting with the knights and returning to the institute, I checked with Jude. He said most first-years at the academy are probably around levels 7 or 8 by now. For third-years like the prince, levels 12 to 16 are common, and the knights mentioned that exceptional students like the prince and his group are likely above 15. Since there was talk of her catching up to her classmates, I’m guessing Aira’s level is around 15 at most, matching the prince’s group.
Then I think about my own base level. Actually, I just checked it again, and despite not doing any leveling, my base level hasn’t budged since I was summoned. It’s still 55. Yes, 55. Compared to now, Aira’s at 15, and I’m at 55… Even if she’s above 15, she’s probably still lower than me. Jude, who I asked out of curiosity, is at 20, and even the knights were mostly in their 30s. I can’t imagine her level being higher than theirs. What’s with this level gap? I have a really bad hunch about it, but I don’t want to dwell on that. I also don’t want to think it’s because of our age difference, and the idea that I’m the only Saint while Aira isn’t is even worse. If that were the case, I’d probably lose my peaceful life as an ordinary person. Aira wouldn’t like that either. Being summoned in the [Saint Summoning Ritual] and not being a Saint…
“Hey, you’re really going at it, huh?”
I turn at the voice and see the Director standing there with an exasperated look. It seems I’d been lost in thought while silently making potions and ended up with more than planned. Since we started supplying the Third Knight Corps, I’ve been making larger batches for efficiency. Right now, the table beside the cauldron I’m stirring is lined with potions 1.5 times the amount a typical apothecary would make.
“Sorry, I got caught up in my thoughts and made too much.”
“You still look like you’ve got plenty of energy. Could you double this by the end of today?”
I give a wry smile and say, “Yeah, that much would still be fine,” and his face twitches. Back when I first came to the institute and he saw me mass-producing low-grade HP potions, he worried about my MP running dry. Lately, though, that’s not a concern anymore. Instead, he’s started worrying about the herb garden’s dwindling stock. The materials for high-grade HP potions have gotten so low that they’re currently off-limits. My pharmacy skill level doesn’t seem likely to rise further either, so recently, I’ve been quietly making high-grade HP potions for the Third Knight Corps using herbs ordered from the shop. For subjugations in the Eastern and Southern Forests, high-grade HP potions are too potent and expensive to use unless absolutely necessary, so making a ton just piles them up. But this time, since they’re heading to the Western Forest for the first time in a while, we figured a decent stock of high-grade HP potions would be good to have, so I’ve been ramping up production a bit. As an ordinary person, potion-making is about the only thing I can do openly, so I was going at it with gusto. Judging by the Director’s face, though, I might’ve overdone it.
Since I accidentally finished a day’s worth of work by noon, I came to the palace library. Officially, it’s to research herbs that might make potions more effective than high-grade HP ones. I’ve been looking into herbs for a while now, but I haven’t found anything yet. Liz once told me there might be books in the restricted archive with that info, but naturally, a commoner like me can’t get in there. So, I’ve been reading every herb-related book I can get my hands on. It’s still a long road ahead. Today, I was sort of killing time by browsing for relevant books when one caught my eye, and I picked it up. It’s a book with “Holy-Attribute Magic” in the title.
My base level is one thing, but I think the weirdest part of my status is my holy-attribute magic level. Infinity (∞)? What even is that? A level not even expressed as a number probably has something to do with being a [Saint]. Since the topic came up, I managed to ask about base levels, but I haven’t asked about attribute magic levels, so I don’t know what’s average. Digging too deep might lead to questions about my own status, and I couldn’t bring myself to ask. Even with base levels, I asked cautiously, and thankfully, no one pressed me about mine.
Anyway, back to holy-attribute magic. Since the level is what it is, I figured it probably wouldn’t go any higher, so I didn’t bother studying it much. Plus, pharmacy and cooking were more fun since their levels could still rise. But hearing about Aira recently made me rethink that. She was summoned at the same time as me, yet her base level was lower. That makes me think her holy-attribute magic skill level is probably lower too. Of course, I’d love it if we were the same level—really, I hope we are. Then I could stay an ordinary person forever. Because if I became a Saint, I’d probably have to spend more time with that prince. That’s something I’d very much like to avoid.
Oh, I’m getting off track again. Aira’s situation and the upcoming subjugation in the Western Forest made me wonder if I should study magic a little. This subjugation is in the forest where that salamander appeared. The knights mentioned that monster spawns have decreased lately, but I’m still a bit worried. What if, like last time, a lot of people get injured, and potions alone aren’t enough, maybe magic will be needed? I vaguely recall someone saying back then that magic could heal what potions couldn’t. If that happens, I feel like studying a bit beforehand would be better than using magic on the spot with no prior knowledge. That’s why this book on holy-attribute magic caught my interest.
“Interested in magic, are you?”
A sudden voice makes me turn, and I’m startled to see a man standing right nearby. The book I’d picked up was indeed about holy-attribute magic, but it was incredibly complex. My eyes kept sliding over the text, so I was focusing hard and didn’t notice him approaching until he spoke.
“It’s a pretty tough read, I’d think…”
“Yeah, it is. I was just wishing for something simpler.”
“Then this might be better.”
He pulls a book from the shelf across from the one I was facing and hands it to me. Flipping through it, I see it’s far easier to understand than the one I’d been reading. This should be simple enough even for a magic newbie like me.
“Thank you.”
“No problem.”
After that exchange, he stares at me intently. Uh, it’s kind of uncomfortable. Why? Because he looks a lot like him. He’s probably older than me—maybe what he’d look like after aging. He’s much taller than me, though probably shorter than the Knight Commander. His hair, at a slight upward angle from my view, is a vivid reddish-gold. His gently narrowed eyes, straight nose, and lips that curve like his eyes are perfectly balanced, resembling him closely. They’re not identical, but he’s definitely got a high attractiveness score too. Being older, he feels even more overwhelming than him. It’s the sheer charisma, I guess.
“I’m late in introducing myself. I’m Siegfried Slantania.”
I must’ve looked suspicious or something, because he switches his smiling expression to a serious one, introduces himself, and gives an elegant bow. From that refined, graceful movement and his name, he’s undoubtedly a member of this kingdom’s royal family. Wait, royalty, right?
“Your name’s Sei, if I’ve got that correct?”
“Uh, yes.”
Oops, I should’ve introduced myself first. I was so stunned by everything that I hesitated, and he ended up introducing himself and confirming my name. Better late than never. I should return the greeting, right?
“I’m Sei.”
I pinch my skirt, bend my knees, and bow like a noblewoman. A curtsy, basically. He seems royal, so manners matter. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Since I’m at the palace, I might run into nobles who don’t know my situation, so I’m glad Liz taught me a little about this.
“No need to be so formal. If anyone should show respect, it’s me.”
Siegfried-sama hurriedly puts a hand on my arm and helps me stand. He says that, but I don’t think I’ve done anything to deserve his respect. Puzzled, I tilt my head, and he makes a serious face again before bowing his head.
“I’ve heard my son was terribly rude to you. I’m deeply sorry for what that foolish boy did.”
“Your son?”
“Uh, you mean Kyle… His Highness?”
“That’s right.”
His son brings the First Prince to mind. I confirm, “Kyle, right?” and it seems I got it. If he’s his son, then Siegfried-sama is… the king!?
“Oh, please lift your head!”
“I don’t mind, really!”
Saying I don’t mind is a lie, but having the king bow to me feels like a serious problem. Please stop—it’s bad for my heart.
“We should’ve apologized properly much sooner, in a formal setting. I’m sorry again for doing this here.”
“No, don’t worry! Honestly, I prefer it here.”
According to the king, political issues mean a formal apology would take longer. But he felt doing nothing wasn’t right either, and since he’d heard I often come to the library alone, he’d been dropping by to see me lately. Seems we kept missing each other, though. Still, I don’t need a big official or unofficial apology. I explained that politely, wrapping it in as much tact as I could…
“Beyond an apology, you’ve achieved a lot since arriving in this kingdom. I’d like to offer some reward. Is there anything you want? Land, a title…?”
“No, I’m fine, thank you!”
“Perhaps a mansion in the capital, then…”
“That’s fine too. I couldn’t manage it.”
“We could provide servants?”
He kept offering various rewards after that, but they all seemed too much for me to handle, so I kept refusing. Dresses and accessories came up too. I’m interested, but I declined those as well, since I couldn’t manage them either. Then he gave a wry smile and said, “Just as Johan predicted.” Apparently, there’d been talk of rewarding me, but the Director had put a stop to it. Probably because he knew I’d refuse. Good job, Director.
“Alright, I’ll give up for now. If you think of something you want, let me know. I’ll arrange it as best I can.”
With a charismatic wry smile, the king wraps up just as his time to leave arrives, ending our sudden audience. Yeah, that was rough on my heart in so many ways.